by Ron 

Crypto Use Cases: Exploring the world of digital currencies


Crypto use cases: Discover the versatile applications of cryptocurrencies in everyday purchases, online shopping, remittances, investing, DeFi, NFTs, micropayments, crowdfunding, charity, and more. Learn how digital currencies are transforming financial transactions and digital ownership.

Everyday Purchases for Crypto Use Cases

Believe it or not, you can use cryptocurrencies to buy everyday items! More and more businesses are starting to accept crypto as payment. Here’s a quick look at some things you might be able to buy with your digital coins:

FoodRestaurants, grocery stores
ClothingOnline retailers, some brick-and-mortar shops
ElectronicsTech stores, online marketplaces
TravelFlights, hotels, car rentals

Of course, before you start spending your crypto, you’ll need to understand the basics. Check out our guide on Blockchain fundamentals to get up to speed.

Online Shopping

E-commerce is one area where crypto really shines. Many online stores now accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment. This can be especially useful for international purchases, as crypto doesn’t have to deal with exchange rates or international transaction fees.

Benefits of using crypto for online shopping include:

  • Faster transactions
  • Lower fees (in some cases)
  • More privacy
  • No need for a bank account

If you’re new to buying and selling crypto, our guide on Buying and selling crypto can help you get started.


Sending money across borders can be a pain with traditional banking systems. It’s often slow and expensive. Crypto offers a solution to this problem. With digital currencies, you can send money to anyone, anywhere in the world, quickly and (usually) cheaply.

Here’s a comparison of traditional remittances vs. crypto:

SpeedDaysMinutes to hours
CostHigh feesGenerally lower fees
AccessibilityRequires bank accountOnly needs internet access


Many people see cryptocurrencies as an investment opportunity. While it’s important to remember that crypto can be very volatile, some investors have made significant returns.

Types of crypto investments:

  1. Buying and holding (often called “HODLing”)
  2. Trading
  3. Staking
  4. Yield farming

Before you start investing, make sure you understand the risks. Our Cryptocurrency history page can give you some context on how the crypto market has evolved.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is one of the most exciting areas in the crypto world. It aims to recreate traditional financial systems (like lending and borrowing) without the need for banks or other middlemen.

Popular DeFi activities include:

  • Lending: Earn interest by lending out your crypto
  • Borrowing: Get a loan using your crypto as collateral
  • Yield farming: Earn rewards for providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges
  • Decentralized exchanges: Trade crypto without a centralized intermediary

DeFi can be complex, so make sure you understand what you’re getting into. Our guide on Wallet setup and management can help you get started with the tools you’ll need.

NFTs and Digital Ownership

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have exploded in popularity. These unique digital assets can represent ownership of all sorts of things:

  • Digital art
  • Music
  • Virtual real estate
  • In-game items
  • And much more

NFTs are changing how we think about digital ownership and creativity. They’re opening up new ways for artists and creators to monetize their work.

Micropayments for Crypto Use Cases

Traditional payment systems often struggle with very small transactions. The fees can be too high to make it worthwhile. Crypto, especially on newer, faster networks, can enable tiny payments that were previously impractical.

This could revolutionize areas like:

  • Content creation (e.g., pay-per-view articles)
  • Gaming (e.g., in-game purchases)
  • Internet of Things (e.g., machine-to-machine payments)


Cryptocurrencies have opened up new possibilities for crowdfunding. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and newer models like Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) and Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) allow projects to raise funds directly from supporters.

Benefits of crypto crowdfunding:

  • Global reach
  • Lower barriers to entry
  • Potential for early investment in promising projects

However, be aware that this space has seen its share of scams. Always do your research before investing!

Charity and Donations

Crypto can make it easier to donate to causes around the world. It removes barriers like international transfer fees and allows for more direct giving.

Advantages of crypto donations:

  • Transparency (transactions can be viewed on the blockchain)
  • Lower fees
  • Ability to reach underbanked populations


Many cryptocurrency projects use their tokens for governance. This means token holders can vote on decisions about the project’s future. It’s a new form of digital democracy.

Examples of what token holders might vote on:

  • Protocol upgrades
  • Fee structures
  • Fund allocations

Store of Value for Crypto Use Cases

Some people see cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, as a “digital gold” – a way to store value outside of traditional financial systems. This can be particularly appealing in countries with unstable currencies or economies.

Factors that make crypto attractive as a store of value:

  • Limited supply (for many cryptocurrencies)
  • Not controlled by any government
  • Can be held and transferred easily

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms written directly into code. They’re one of the most powerful features of many cryptocurrencies, enabling all sorts of automated transactions and agreements.

Potential uses for smart contracts:

  • Automated loan repayments
  • Insurance claims processing
  • Supply chain management
  • Royalty payments

Identity Management for Crypto Use Cases

Blockchain technology, which underlies most cryptocurrencies, could revolutionize how we manage digital identities. It could provide a more secure and user-controlled way to verify who we are online.

Potential benefits:

  • Greater privacy
  • Reduced identity theft
  • Easier access to services

Supply Chain Tracking

The transparency and immutability of blockchain make it ideal for tracking items through a supply chain. This could help with:

  • Ensuring authenticity of products
  • Tracking food from farm to table
  • Managing complex international shipments

Voting Systems for Crypto Use Cases

Some people believe blockchain could make voting more secure and transparent. While this is still largely theoretical, it’s an exciting potential use case.

Possible advantages:

  • Tamper-proof records
  • Easy auditing
  • Potentially increased accessibility

Energy Trading for Crypto Use Cases

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies could enable new models of energy trading, especially with the rise of home solar panels and other forms of distributed energy generation.

Imagine being able to sell excess energy from your solar panels directly to your neighbors, all managed automatically through smart contracts!


As you can see, the potential use cases for cryptocurrencies go far beyond just digital money. From revolutionizing online shopping to enabling new forms of digital ownership, crypto is changing the way we think about value and transactions in the digital age.

Always remember to do your own research and never invest more than you can afford to lose. The crypto world is exciting, but it comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Stay informed, stay safe, and enjoy exploring the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies!

Frequently Asked Questions

What can crypto be used for?

  • A cryptocurrency is a type of virtual or digital currency. They are secured by cryptographic systems and can be used to make safe online transactions without any mediators.

What is crypto used for in real life?

  • It’s a peer-to-peer system that can enable anyone anywhere to send and receive payments. Instead of being physical money carried around and exchanged in the real world, cryptocurrency payments exist purely as digital entries to an online database describing specific transactions.

What crypto is actually useful?

  • Like Ethereum, Solana is a blockchain that was built with utility in mind. In Solana’s case, it’s become known for facilitating the easy creation of decentralized applications, or dApps, but the network is actually even faster than Ethereum, has far lower fees and is intended to be more easily scalable than rivals.

Why do people use crypto?

  • Cryptocurrencies are generally used to pay for services or as speculative investments. Cryptocurrencies are powered by a technology known as blockchain. Crypto prices are extremely volatile, and the industry is filled with uncertainty. There are tax consequences to buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

Can you use crypto for anything?

  • You can spend directly with thousands of merchants that accept payments from any crypto wallet, pay for almost anything with the BitPay Card and buy gift cards through the BitPay app or extension. Visit our merchant directory to find a full directory of companies that accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

About the author 


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